After creating an account, in-line annotations and comments can easily be added to PubPub documents and used to start discussions. If you have not created an account, please see this page for instructions to do so.
Highlight any text and click the “Comment” icon.
Leave an in-line annotation in the dialogue box that appears to the right of the paragraph.
Any in-line annotations can also be viewed as comments at the bottom of the page.
Click on the ‘Discussion’ icon to the right of any paragraph to open an existing inline annotation.
Add a comment to the in-line annotation in the dialogue box that appears to the right of the paragraph. You can also click on comments at the end of the page to leave a reply.
When leaving a comment or annotation, you can also embed interactive media such as YouTube videos, Tweets, and podcasts from SoundCloud. If you wish, it is also possible to upload you own images, videos, audio, or other attachments. To do this, simply click on the “Media” button to view the different options.
In the window that appears, select the media you wish to embed in your comment from the menu on the left.
Additional information about and help with PubPub can be found at: